Monday 21 March 2016

Knollys Tunnel, Tabaquite, Trinidad

A quick by the way adventure. If you decide to drive through the tunnel make sure your windows are up as there are bats flying about. Its amazing thats such a small island like Trinidad has soo much sights to be uncovered. If you don't already love your country, learn to love your country by being a tourist.
(Apologies in advance for the poor quality pictures)

Monday 29 February 2016

Green Market Santa Cruz, Trinidad

Prefect place for a Saturday breakfast date. Wonderful ambience, great variety of foods to choose from and even morning entertainment.

Sunday 31 January 2016

Temple by the sea, Trinidad

Beautiful, peaceful and scenic; these are the 3 words that best describe the temple by the sea. So quiet its the best place to relax and watch the sunset. 

Saturday 6 June 2015

Sails, Chaguaramas

Peaceful days..

Sometimes all you need is a good view, and a guitar. These photos were taken at Sails in Chaguaramas. There's a lovely restaurant and bar overlooking the ocean. There are also benches outside where you can just sit, relax and watch the birds and the boats pass by. Sunday evenings well spent.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Devil's Woodyard, Trinidad

Devil's Woodyard, its not an adventurous place to go, but more of a curiosity call I would say.

It is one of the many sites of mud volcanoes in Trinidad, more specifically Hindustand Road, New Grant near Princess Town. The following Excerpt was taken from Wikipedia: 

"As legend goes: "A relatively young volcanic site got its name after its first eruption in 1852. Which shook the entire village and fell the tall trees and frightened the Amerindian villagers. Villagers at the time believed that the devil had come from beneath the earth to fell the woods. The mounds of earth which occasionally bubble and hiss continue to amaze visitors of the site."

Its an exciting place for the children. The last time I visited there was in 2008, there were picnic areas and a small park. The facilities were not well kept at the time, I hope that the area is well maintained now (7 years later).

Monday 30 March 2015

Avocat Waterfall, Trinidad

See the beauty in nature and experience the adventure within... Avocat Waterfall Trinidad

Getting to Avocat Waterfall consists of hours of driving and a hike through mud and rivers. Being in Avocat waterfall is worth the trip. This was truly a day well spent. I discovered a part of Trinidad I did not know existed. To get to the waterfall we passed Maracas and Blanchisseuse. (see photos below) The hike to the waterfall was of intermediate to moderate intensity, the hardest part was walking through the rivers and praying not to slip and fall. Every slip was a mini heart attack. Word of advice, if you plan on going to Avocat Waterfall ensure that all your important stuff are left behind or placed in tightly sealed zip lock bags, because one unfortunate slip in the  river will result in the obvious. Also note that the shoes that you wear will get wet. Go in a group. We went with Paria Spring Tours (see their fb page) so we felt safe and comfortable throughout the entire experience. The group that we went with carried gears for line Rappelling down the waterfall from 75feet above which was an amazing experience. The memories made on that day would last a lifetime and deserved bragging points.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Macqueripe Beach, Chaguaramas

A place where beauty and adventure merge.

That's Macqueripe beach. Clean environment and friendly service, visiting this beach and zip line area was an overall good experience. The zip lining and canopy tours were a great adventure, it was fun, safe and easy. We got to enjoy the beauty from above.  Macqueripe beach is a man made beach and its beautiful however i personally don't enjoy the water, (and many may disagree) its to rough and the steep drop in the water makes me feel a sense of danger. For people like me, i enjoyed sitting back and taking in the peaceful scenery.  Its a cute little idea for a date. Perfect little picnic area.