Wednesday 11 February 2015

Bamboo Cathedral and the walk to the Tracking station, Tucker Valley, Chaguaramas

There is beauty in history. 

Trinidad may be a small island but you'll surely be amazed at the many beautiful hidden/forgotten sights to see.
These pictures were taken in August 2014. My boyfriend and I heard about the Bamboo Cathedral and decided to visit it ourselves, at first we were unsure due to safety reasons but once we got there we saw many visitors like ourselves, families, joggers and cyclists. The walk through the Bamboo Cathedral was amazing, cool breeze, beautiful scenery and peaceful vibes. The walk to the Tracking station was a bit long and slightly intense, there wasn't many persons venturing there so it didn't seem as safe, therefore if you decide to go to the Tracking station go with a group, before it gets dark because theres no lights and walk with lots of water. The walk was worth it, the view was amazing the building and the Tracking station was fun to explore and on the way you can see Macqueripe beach... breathtaking. 
I recommend a stroll through the Bamboo Cathedral for a cute little romantic date idea. That is if you're into nature.

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